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PPRL Info & Contact Register

Statement of Purpose:

The Periodic Paralysis Research Library (PPRL) is established as an independent nonprofit organization founded for the following purposes:

  • To collect, develop, and make publicly available; historical articles, educational materials, other historical and informational documents, and medical science information resources, relevant to the group of diseases referred to collectively as the Periodic Paralyses and similar rare or related neuromuscular disorders. In addition to the collection of hard copy materials, the PPRL is committed to providing electronic access to many of these materials through web-based tools on the World Wide Web.

    The overarching objectives of these activities include:

  • To provide convenient access for researchers, physicians, patients, or other interested persons, to science-based information regarding the periodic paralyses and related disorders.

  • To help better understand these disorders.

  • To promote an increasing level of awareness of these disorders, leading to increased research, improved management, improved diagnostic protocols, and ultimately, the prevention and cure of these disorders.
  • Contact Information:

    Library Director/Editor:
    Patrick E. Cochran, Ph.D.,C.S.D.
    1415 Jasmine Way
    Morgan Hill, CA 95037

    The PPRL is a member of the Medical Libraries Association and the National Network of the Libraries of Medicine (NNLM).

    The PPRL is located in the NNLM Pacific Southwest Region. The Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library (PSRML), is the NNLM Regional Office and is located at the UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library.

    NOTE: The Periodic Paralysis Research Library was formerly known as the Judy Tuttle Memorial Research Library (JTMRL).

    Section Last Modified:
    1/26/2012 20:13 PT